Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.), as Amended, requires that all federal agencies assess the effects of the use of federal funds or federal permitting on historic resources. Working with developers and municipalities, Delta’s staff can prepare the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission (PHMC)’s Project Review Form, assist in determining areas of potential effect, undertake archival research, and prepare a survey and inventory of historic resources. As part of the consultation process, Delta will meet with the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (PA SHPO) at PHMC to assist with developing mitigation strategies.
The Pennsylvania State History Code (Title 37 §510) also requires that “the commission [Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission] shall be consulted on the design and proposed location of any project, building or other undertaking financed in whole or in part by Commonwealth funds which may affect the preservation and development of a district, site or building listed on or eligible for the Pennsylvania Register of Historic Places.” Therefore, all state funded projects including Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grants must consult with the PHMC. For RACP applications this documentation is required for TAB 15. As part of this consultation process, a Project Review Form must be submitted to the PHMC for review and comment.
For more information on Historic Resource and Tax Credit Services, please call or e-mail Bonnie Mark: (717) 441-1301 | [email protected]
The Pennsylvania State History Code (Title 37 §510) also requires that “the commission [Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission] shall be consulted on the design and proposed location of any project, building or other undertaking financed in whole or in part by Commonwealth funds which may affect the preservation and development of a district, site or building listed on or eligible for the Pennsylvania Register of Historic Places.” Therefore, all state funded projects including Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grants must consult with the PHMC. For RACP applications this documentation is required for TAB 15. As part of this consultation process, a Project Review Form must be submitted to the PHMC for review and comment.
For more information on Historic Resource and Tax Credit Services, please call or e-mail Bonnie Mark: (717) 441-1301 | [email protected]