On July 2, 2013, Gov. Tom Corbett signed the Pennsylvania Historic Incentive Tax Credit into law as part of the overall statewide budget package. As a result, Pennsylvanians will be able to utilize a 25% historic preservation tax credit that can be used along with the 20% federal historic tax credit to rehabilitate older, historic buildings in Pennsylvania. The PA HPTC is computed at 25% of qualified rehabilitation expenses up to $500,000, which is the maximum credit amount. Therefore, any project in excess of $2,000,000 total QREs could receive a credit of $500,000. The total tax credit available for FY 2013-2014, FY 2014-2015, FY 2015-2016 and FY 2016-2017 was $3 million for each fiscal year, and was divided evenly between Depart of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Regional Offices. Application for a reservation of credits is requested by using DCED’s electronic Single Application for Assistance.
For more information on Historic Resource and Tax Credit Services, please call or e-mail Bonnie Mark: (717) 441-1301 | [email protected]
For more information on Historic Resource and Tax Credit Services, please call or e-mail Bonnie Mark: (717) 441-1301 | [email protected]